Analyzing relationship between Flight delays and Weather Data for different US airports

5 minute read

Due to the huge growth in air traffic in recent years, it is required to develop effective air transport control systems. Data is collected from ground stations, satellites, sensors on aircraft leading to huge volume of data collected. GPS sensors collect information like distance, time of departure and arrival, etc. Weather stations record information about historical weather as well as predict weather conditions in future. The large volume of data collected from various sources is too big to handle for traditional systems.

As traditional systems find it difficult to process such huge data, big data framework is used to find patterns in data quickly. Big data is considered to have large volume, veracity and velocity. We find patterns, relations within data and other insights in big data analytics. Many frameworks are available for big data analytics. It is useful to prove or disprove assumptions and used on large scale due to fast development.

Analysing and Predicting flight delays using Spark-MLlib

Datasets used

  • National Centers for Environmental Information, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Link: This dataset includes data collected by various weather stations in US. It contains data fields like air temperature, precipitation, snow, wind, sun shine, etc.

  • Bureau of Transportation Statistics – flight data: The airline trip records include fields capturing date, time, origin and destination airports, flight distance, flight departure time, flight departure scheduled time, flight departure delay, flight arrival time, flight arrival delay, flight arrival scheduled time, etc.

Clean data

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext 
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ 

object CleanFlightData {   
  def main(args: Array[String]) {    
      // Create spark context          
      val sc = new SparkContext()

      // Create an RDD for all flight data stored on HDFS
      val flightRDD=sc.textFile("hdfs:///user/asb862/flightData/*")

      // Create flightSplitRDD by Spliting the data on ','
      val flightSplitRDD =>line.split(","))

      // Create fightParsedRDD with only required columns from the entire flight data
      val flightParsedRDD =>record(0)+","+record(1)+","+record(2)+","+record(3)+","+record(7)+","+record(10)+","+record(11)+","+record(12)+","+record(13)+","+record(14)+","+record(15)+","+record(16)+","+record(19))       

      // Filter data with missing columns
      val flightFilteredRDD = flightParsedRDD.filter(record => !(record.split(",").contains("")))

      // Remove all cancelled flights to get data of delayed flights only
      val flightFilteredCancelledRDD = flightFilteredRDD.filter(record => !(record.split(',')(11).toFloat==1.00))

      // Remove records with length<13 columns
      val flightCleanedRDD = flightFilteredCancelledRDD.filter(line=>line.split(",").length==13)

      // Filter data for desired airports
      val flightSelectedAirportsRDD = flightCleanedRDD.filter(line=>line.contains("JFK") | line.contains("SFO") | line.contains("LAX") | line.contains("ORD") | line.contains("DFW"))

      // Change the data to correct format for joining      
      val flightSelectedAirportsParsedRDD  =>line.split(",")).map(record=>record(1)+"/"+record(2)+"/"+record(0).takeRight(2)+","+record(4)+","+record(8)+","+record(10)+","+record(12))     

      // Save data as cleanFlightData.csv file on HDFS

      // Stop spark

Profile data

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext 
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ 
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

object ProfileFlightData {   
  def main(args: Array[String]) {    
      val sc = new SparkContext()

      // Create sql context
      val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)

      import sqlContext._;

      // Create an RDD for all flight data stored on HDFS
      val flightRDD=sc.textFile("hdfs:///user/username/flightData/*")

      // Create a dataframe
      val df ="csv").option("inferSchema","true").load("/user/username/fightData/*.csv")

      // Give proper name to columns
      val df2 = df


      // Use only desired columns from dataset
      val arr1 = Array(0,1,2,3,7,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,19)


      var i=(-1)

      // Get the min, max values for each column and max string length for specific columns 

     for(elem <- arr1) { 
        if(elem==0||elem==1||elem==2||elem==3) {
           i=i+1;var col:org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int]>line.split(',')).filter(line=> !(line.contains(""))).map(x=>x(elem).toInt); 

           println("Col:"+colnames(i)+" Min "+col.min); 
           println("Col:"+colnames(i)+" Max "+col.max); 
           val dist:org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = col.distinct; 

        } else if(elem==13||elem==15||elem==16||elem==19) {

           i=i+1;var col:org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Double]>line.split(',')).filter(line=> !(line.contains(""))).map(x=>x(elem).toFloat); 

           println("Col:"+colnames(i)+" Min "+col.min); 
           println("Col:"+colnames(i)+" Max "+col.max); 
           val dist:org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Double] = col.distinct ; 

        } else { 

          i=i+1;var col:org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String]>line.split(',')).map(x=>x(elem)); 

          println("Col:"+colnames(i)+" Min "+col.min); 
          println("Col:"+colnames(i)+" Max"+col.max); 
          val dist:org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = col.distinct ;  

          val len:org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] =>line.length()); 

          println("\nMax String Length for Col:"+colnames(i)+" is "+len.max) 


import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ 
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors   
import org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.StandardScaler
import org.apache.spark.mllib.classification.{LogisticRegressionModel, LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS}

object AnalyticCode {                                                                    
def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val sc = new SparkContext()    

    // Create RDD of cleaned flight data
    val flightRDD=sc.textFile("hdfs:///user/username/cleanFlightJoin.csv")

    // Create Tuple RDD with key and features for join
    val flightRDDTuple =>line.split(",")).map(record => (record(0)+":"+record(1),(record(2)+","+record(3)+","+record(4))))

    // Create RDD of cleaned weather data
    val weatherRDD = sc.textFile("file:///home/asb862/weather_data/cleaned_weather/*")

    // Create Tuple RDD with key and features for join
    val weatherRDDTuple =>line.split(",")).map(record=>("("+record(0)+":"+"\""+record(6)+"\"",record(1)+","+record(2)+","+record(3)+","+record(4)+","+record(5)))

    // Join weather and flight data
    val joinedData = weatherRDDTuple.join(flightRDDTuple)

    // filter records of 2017
    val rdd17 = joinedData.filter(line=>line._1.contains("18"))

    // filter records of 2018
    val rdd18 = joinedData.filter(line=>line._1.contains("17"))


    val rdd2017 = sc.textFile("joinedRDD12017.csv")
    val rdd2018 = sc.textFile("joinedRDD12018.csv")

    // extract features from rdd

    val rdd12017 =>line.split(",")).map(record=>record(1)+","+record(2)+","+record(3)+","+record(4)+","+record(5)+","+record(6)+","+record(7)+","+record(8))   

    // extract features from rdd

    val rdd12018 =>line.split(",")).map(record=>record(1)+","+record(2)+","+record(3)+","+record(4)+","+record(5)+","+record(6)+","+record(7)+","+record(8))

    // clean features rdd

    // clean features rdd


    // create a rdd of double array
    val rdd1 =>line.split(",")).map(record=>Array(record(0).toDouble,record(1).toDouble,record(2).toDouble,record(3).toDouble,record(4).toDouble,record(5).toDouble,record(6).toDouble,record(7).toDouble))   

    val rdd2 =>line.split(",")).map(record=>Array(record(0).toDouble,record(1).toDouble,record(2).toDouble,record(3).toDouble,record(4).toDouble,record(5).toDouble,record(6).toDouble,record(7).toDouble))   

    // label data with delay or on time (1,0) for training
    def labeledData(vals: Array[Double]): LabeledPoint = {  
    LabeledPoint(if (vals(5).toDouble>=20) 1.0 else 0.0, Vectors.dense(vals))

    val rdd1labeled =
    val rdd2labeled =


    // run logistic regression on training data
    val logisticRegressionModel = new LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS().setNumClasses(2).run(rdd1labeled)

    // predict the labels for test data
    val labelsLogisticRegression = { case LabeledPoint(label, features) => val prediction =  logisticRegressionModel.predict(features) 
    (prediction, label) }

    // calculate accuracy

    def testModel(labels: RDD[(Double, Double)]) : Tuple2[Array[Double], Array[Double]] = {                               

        val truePositive = labels.filter(r => r._1==1 && r._2==1).count.toDouble                                                  

        val trueNegative = labels.filter(r => r._1==0 && r._2==0).count.toDouble                                                

        val falsePostive = labels.filter(r => r._1==1 && r._2==0).count.toDouble                                                  

        val falseNegative = labels.filter(r => r._1==0 && r._2==1).count.toDouble                                                 

        val accuracy = (truePositive+trueNegative) / (truePositive+trueNegative+falsePostive+falseNegative)

        new Tuple2(Array(truePositive, trueNegative, falsePostive, falseNegative), Array( accuracy))       

    // Get accuracy 

    val (counts, metrics) = testModel(labelsLogisticRegression)                   

    println("\n Logistic Regression Metrics  \n Accuracy = %.2f percent".format( metrics (0)*100))

    println("\n True Positives = %.2f, True Negatives = %.2f, False Positives = %.2f, False Negatives = %.2f".format(counts (0), counts (1), counts (2), counts(3)))       



The flight departure delays were high at JFK from April to August. Similarly, in ORD and DFW showed high number of delays from June to August. While the delays distribution was spread evenly at LAX and SFO, less delays were observed from September to December. Distance wise departure delay distribution was checked monthly which showed a uniform distribution over different ranges of flight distance which leads to a conclusion that flight distance does not show significant effect on the delay.

As the data distribution was not uniform with non-delayed flight records exceeding four times the number of delayed records, Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique was used to generate synthetic samples of minority class and thus make the data distribution uniform for machine learning algorithms. A machine learning model was trained to predict if a flight will be delayed using the weather data and flight information. Weather features – Precipitation, Snow, Wind speed, Max Temperature, Min Temperature and Flight features like arrival delay and flight distance were used to train the model. Logistic Regression, Support vector Machines, Decision Tree and Random Forest classifiers were used. 2017 data was used for training the model while 2018 data was used for testing. The binary classifier was trained for 100 iterations. Best testing accuracy of 91% was obtained for logistic regression model.

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